Now how do I get past all the self criticism and criticism of others? How do accept my past? How do I love myself as I am?
Society as a group (in particular media and product sales) doesn't like it when people feel good about themselves. No gapping holes of sadness to fill with products and promises of a better future.
When we are happy life is simple. We are happier with less and more grateful for what wonderful things, jobs, choices and loved ones we have in our lives. We are the same person just kinder, consequently regret less.
Life feels easier. There is less fight and less to fight. With less "busy" energy we have more space for ourselves and others.
Methods to help like ourselves more.
Surrender into our emotions (both the hard and easy ones) - this helps us to become more relaxed.
Eat as healthy as you can. We often want more time from our lives so if we feed our body healthier food we can be on this earth longer and enjoy the experience more.