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Are Vegetarian Diets making us sick? looking at Oxalates

Writer's picture: DaisyDaisy

I am not a nutritionist or a doctor, I am just sharing some information that helped me loose 3kgs, stop feeling bloated and stop allergies.

NB If you have health issues or symptoms you are concerned about please go to a registered doctor for a health check prior to following any new diets or health regimes.

My stomach was bloated and had chronic (often debilitating) hay fever. I had been a vegetarian most of my life which I thought was a healthy choice (compared to most). I was trying to eat healthily but felt unwell. I had tried naturopaths, homeopaths, kinesiologists, hypnotherapists, doctors etc. My issues were uncomfortable but not life threatening, so for many years I put up with the discomfort, trying different diets in an attempt to heal my health.

Things got allot harder after menopause (early menopause). My stomach issues, hay-fever got worse, and new issues appeared including anxiety and panic attacks. I had numerous blood test and checks with the doctor, but everything showed up "healthy". The only thing the doctor could offer me was antidepressants, so while looking elsewhere for help I stumbled across the concept of oxalates, and everything started to improve (Check this website for more information on oxalates

What are Oxalates?

Simply put, oxalates are a naturally occurring plant poison that is produced to protect plants from insect attack. The crazy thing is that high levels of oxalates occur in so many "healthy" foods. These include; spinach, sweet potato, potato, beetroot, quinoa, oats, soy, chocolate, almonds, buckwheat, tea. All my favorites!! How could this be?! My diet already felt so restricted. However, my situation was becoming dire so in desperation I tried the low oxalate diet for 6 months.

What do Oxalates do to the body?

Unhealthy levels of oxalates can lead to the deposition of oxalate crystals in various parts of the body, causing inflammation, intense pain and discomfort. Common areas the crystals may create issues include kidneys (kidney stones), urinary tract inflammation/infection, Nutrient Deficiencies, Vulvodynia, Joint and Muscle Pain, Gastrointestinal Symptoms (eg. such as bloating, gas, abdominal pain, or changes in bowel movements), emerging research suggests a connection between oxalates and gut health.

Low Oxalate Diet - 6 month cleanse

Though it was a little difficult to swap to this diet for 6 months it was well worth it. I stayed a vegetarian and included more eggs and biodynamic dairy in my diet. I also started to drink coffee instead of tea, as coffee (thank goodness) is low oxalate (go to this website for a free printable sheet of low oxalate foods

My typical daily low oxalate diet included:


Goat cheese on toast with cucumber

*Biodynamic yogurt with grated apple

Coffee with biodynamic milk

*Biodynamic is a holistic, ecological, and ethical approach to farming, gardening, food and nutrition.

Morning tea

Homemade biscuits (vanilla biscuits are great - I substitute normal flour with spelt flour)

Coffee with biodynamic milk





Afternoon tea

Rice crackers and biodynamic cheese


Veggie soup (eg. cauliflower) and toast with goats cheese

I could not compromise with some things (we all have our limits).

  • I kept eating organic sourdough spelt bread (I cannot eat gluten free bread).

  • I also kept using organic spelt flour (instead of gluten free flour).

Outcome for me

I lost 3 kgs (I didn't think/know I needed to loose this weight, but it just happened), I am no longer bloated, I no longer have hay-fever, no anxiety, no panic attacks and sex is great again.

Managing my food choices after the cleanse.

Since finishing the cleanse I have chosen to eat way less almond, soy, quinoa and chocolate products. With veggies I just eat whatever I feel like now. It is also good to know if any of the symptoms return I can go back to the low oxalate cleanse.

NB At this point I cannot see how the low oxalate diet could be adapted to the vegan diet, however there may be a way. I would love to hear any ideas.


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